Children's Illustration

owl looking up at a small dragon

"Not a Conversation" T-shirt illustration

snowy owl with large eyes

"Snowy Owl" for

frog on a heart-shaped leaf

A Valentine's Day card for MCA+

desert land cutaway with cactus and animals in burrows

"Desert Backyard Cutaway" for iStock

bird covered in flowers perched on branch and singing

"Bird song" for

dog walking through a town courtyard

A spread from "Safetyland Learning Guide" for Environmental Education Exchange

girl in wheelchair watering potted plants

A page from "Water Cycle Sing-A-Long" for Environmental Education Exchange

girl wearing helmet and pads riding skateboard

"Skateboarder" for Learning

a hippo painted with flowers and singing

"Singing Hippo" for

kids walking dog in a neighborhood park

A spread from "Our Water, Our Future" for Environmental Education Exchange

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